Wednesday, January 25, 2012


    This image was taken of my mom in the snow as she was moving her hands and leg in a circular motion, while I was taked the pictuer. Bring forth a blured image of her hands and leg. In adition to this I left the shutter open for 30 seconds to capture this blur image of movement.

    This picture captures my brother boxing, with a slow sutter speed alowing for blured image of my brother hitting the spead bag.

   I create this blere of the background by twerling around holding my cammer in my hands, with a slow shutter spead down.

    The very membories of life the, moments in time were you look back laught ,smile and remember the pasted. That pass by without a sound, without a trace.This is what these blured pictures
captcher the movments of time and life.Stopping time for a breif second.

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