The Annonying Apple
This image is suppost to be a commical twist from the annonying orange on U.Tub viedo, but instead it's The Annonying Apple.
Three out of the Five Sences..
Tast, looking at this image you must be salivating for the tast of a sweet delicious apple.
Sight for this apple has big eyes and is able to see.
Smell, What sweet smells that are comming from this apple.
The face of Grife

The face here is hidden behind the trees showing the three senses. For eyes show sadness as we sometime see the world greif stricken eyes. Touch as he makes a mark apon the world and hearing for you can here his crys out for help
P.S This is not true for the person bhine the trees. I just ask him to look like this for me.