Monday, June 11, 2012

The Hands

   These hands are both intertwined together in the relationship to one another within our five sences, one being the sence of touch. How do we not go throught life without having an impact on someone. We don't, not without useing one of our five sences as a sorce of contact, touch!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Fun Light



The pictures of  light symbolises all the enjoyment and fun that I had this year in learing how to take pictures. Now I'm looking forward into putting my knowledge of what I learnd this year in photo class into action throught my own summer vacation.




Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Pacosso( 5 senses)

LOOK, IT'S the work of Pacosso.....  COOL.....Well it's not really Pacosso, but it is the work of Chelsea Giannone  

This photo took a lots of work to create first I took pictures of hands,faces, eye, and moth then I collaborated them all together and end up with this Pacosso photo.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Circle Light

LOOK have you never seen candles like this? Have you?
Well, No! 
This image was quite enjoyable to create, it took a dark room with lots of candles and creativity to produce an awsum photo of glowing light.

Nautilus Sprial of Light


These photos reveal the chambers in the Nautilus sprial of light.




The Question of Light Life

The quest is....what will you do with your life?

This image of creativity was fun to make. How I created this question mark of life, was I took 13 candles linned them up in a question mark formation, turned off the light and smapped away with my camera.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Annoying Apple ( 5 senses)/ and the face of Grif

The Annonying Apple

This image is suppost to be a commical twist from the annonying orange on U.Tub viedo, but instead it's The  Annonying Apple.

 Three out of the Five Sences..

 Tast,  looking at this image you must be salivating for the tast of a sweet delicious apple.

 Sight for this apple has big eyes and is able to see.

 Smell, What sweet smells  that are comming from this apple.


The face of Grife

The face here is hidden behind the trees  showing the three senses. For eyes show sadness as we sometime see the world greif stricken eyes. Touch as he makes a mark apon the world and hearing for you can here his crys out for help

P.S This is not true for the person bhine the trees. I just ask him to look like this for me.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012




Friday, May 11, 2012



I place this photos name with entertaining for entertaining is what symbolizes some of my relation ship with my dad.





Tenderness is what my mother is to me for she is always there for me wanting to help. That why I placed her word as tenderness.  

                                                            Side Arm

This word Side Arm is what describes the relationship between my brother and I. For we both in joy each others company he also is always looking out for me. He is like my side arm.


Natcher in a new Prospective

Infer Red
Infer Red

                     For Fun                                    

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Each of these photos were fun to create and also take.  To create these uniquie photo I took the oringial photo altering its colors, while bringing forth a surreal photos of Infer Red, or a vibrant purples and pinks.  

Friday, March 23, 2012


This photo was taken in Bridgeport with some computer work I was able to shift it from reality to a firer of a toy.

This picture here turned out  better then I ever expected it to. The boat came out looking as a toy and I'm     proud of it. Even if it did take lots,and lots of work


I took these pictures while walking down water fount avenue near the marina. Where geese and boats were in abundance. I have now taken these pictures from reality of the present to a transformation of soft imagery wonder.

Here is a pitcher that I deiced to alter for fun. Even thou it is not not flowing the shift part of our project. But at the same time it is, in away. For the back ground is shifted a little. 

Thursday, March 22, 2012


This image took two weeks to bring forth and I'm proud present this sunflower piece.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Emotions and Thought with in Life

Through the movement of my camera I captured in the faces of people their deep thoughts, sadness, despair and joys for life.

 I felt as though
 I was in their
 in the distance,
seeing their

  Consultation to
 taking photos
of different
people it open
 my eyes to
society and
 how people react
 to different thing.
This project
over all I
enjoyed it.