Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Hall of Cards

I had alot of fun prepairing my backdrop of cards, makeup, and hair
I realy felt that I got in to the project.

A different Christmas

This is a colage of my winter Christmas.  

  I created this picture of myself as the lights are begain dimmes around my face. The shades of graves and black become me. Like this one all the other wered formed by the hands of photo shop.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Good and Bad and you!!!!!!!!!

This represents the villain that is encased in each of us!!!!! Do not deny it, but except the fact that you  have one too lurking inside you.

My Inner Zebera

I am bringing out my inner zebra. This picture was frameworked by photo shop as I played, mixed, and shaped colors together. The out come was this.   

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Bound in Membories

   I took this picture of an elderly gentleman at an old folks home in Tualatin. The man in this pitcher is 98 year old and for safety reason I will say his name is Jonah. By looking at this picture you can see that Jonah is overjoyed to have his picture taken, as he talks to us about his life. From how many children he has, to his prime years as a football player, playing for a college in the Oregon State University. 
           Over all I thought that this was a great experience for me, I enjoyed the conversation that I had with him and the time was spent.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The truck on a journey

   This here is my shift  picture that I decided to take in Oregon city. While looking at this picture you can see the multiple levels. It just amassing.

Friday, October 14, 2011

In Your Imagination

 From the vast fields of flowers where beauty thrives, miles and miles where pixie dust does lie.
 On the tops of flowers where fairy's do play,with in your  imagination my picture lies. 

Friday, October 7, 2011

Necklace of pearls


This is my very favorite picture, for it shows the contras of  light reflecting off of different objects make it totally cool !!!!!
These are the purls of space that flutter the darkness as the stars take flight bring forth the light. 

    The image here was taken by a use different slide of light and movement when developing the image as the darks and light intertwine to bring forth motiple light exposure. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Pinhole Ghost images out of this universe


The images here, the one that looks most like a face, is my favorite picture for it appears to be a ghost  image of myself. Over all I like all of them. Each and every picture took lots of time to create.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

pinholl images, fragments of life

One facial shot this being my favorate for it has depth of a filtering image of myself, displaying ghostly image.
Two other photos are fliter fragments of life reflecting an image of light.
Pinholl images will be uploaded soon, so hold on to your britches to see...the ghostly images of myself.
By Star